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Swagelok Northwest (US)

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Tech Talk: Design & Assembly Services Basics

Tech Talk | Swagelok Northwest (US)

Tech Talk: Design & Assembly Services Basics

Does your fluid system have you feeling under pressure? Led by field engineering industry experts, our Tech Talk webinar series breaks down the ins and outs of all things fluid systems to offer practical and innovative solutions to all of your critical day-to-day challenges. If you missed your chance to join Matt and Adam in this latest discussion, no problem! We have you covered. 

Topic: Design & Assembly Services Basics
Field Engineers: Matt Hasenohr & Adam Ghannoum

What You'll Learn

  • Overview of Swagelok design and assembly services
  • Learn to alleviate fluid system capacity strain, limited resources, and other fluid system challenges
  • Fluid system case study review

Watch the full webinar here:


Stay tuned for future Tech Talk Webinars.