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Swagelok Northwest (US)

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Evaluation & Advisory

Fluid System Evaluation | Swagelok Northwest (US)

Evaluation & Advisory

Local fluid system expertise and experience where and when you need it. Our expert team of field engineers not only have deep industry experience to detect problems, optimize fluid and sampling systems, and advise on maintenance strategy, but also have the global reach necessary to bring that expertise to you.


Evaluation and Advisory Services Home

Evaluation & Advisory Overview

Swagelok Northwest (US)'s field engineers will visit your facility, do a system check, and share advice on strategies to improve your operations.

Systems Inspection and Testing

Fluid Systems Inspection & Testing

Find out where your plant is losing energy with a thorough system audit.

Fluid Systems Evaluation and Advisory Service

Fluid System Evaluation & Advisory

Save time and money with our expert analysis of fluid systems, from process tap to analyzer.

Field Engineering | Swagelok Northwest (US)

Hose Advisory

Be proactive about hose for savings and safety.